I’ve been familiarizing myself with OpenAI’s spinning up and gym repositories over the past several days, reading over the documentation and working to get my machine configured correctly.

Today, I wanted to play around with setting up an experiment, so tried running some of the included algorithm implementations to see how things worked.

The following worked out of the box to train the CartPole environment. It uses the PPO algorithm, specifying some hyperparameters, such as the hidden layer dimentions and the activation function:

python -m spinup.run ppo --env CartPole-v0 --hid[h] [128,128] --act tf.nn.relu --exp_name cartpole-ppo

Afterwards, there is handy output to the console to see what experiments are actually being trained and run.

ExperimentGrid [cartpole-ppo] runs over parameters:

 env_name                                 [env] 


 ac_kwargs:hidden_sizes                   [h] 

	[128, 128]

 ac_kwargs:activation                     [ac-act] 


 Variants, counting seeds:               1
 Variants, not counting seeds:           1


Preparing to run the following experiments...



Launch delayed to give you a few seconds to review your experiments.

To customize or disable this behavior, change WAIT_BEFORE_LAUNCH in

Running experiment:                                                             


with kwargs:

    "ac_kwargs":	{
        "activation":	"relu",
        "hidden_sizes":	[
    "env_name":	"CartPole-v0",
    "seed":	0

By default, it trains 50 epochs. I’ve pasted the first and last epoch of training here:

|             Epoch |               0 |
|      AverageEpRet |            22.7 |
|          StdEpRet |            11.5 |
|          MaxEpRet |              68 |
|          MinEpRet |               8 |
|             EpLen |            22.7 |
|      AverageVVals |         -0.0188 |
|          StdVVals |          0.0517 |
|          MaxVVals |            0.12 |
|          MinVVals |          -0.229 |
| TotalEnvInteracts |           4e+03 |
|            LossPi |        1.14e-07 |
|             LossV |             283 |
|       DeltaLossPi |         -0.0268 |
|        DeltaLossV |            -172 |
|           Entropy |            0.68 |
|                KL |          0.0152 |
|          ClipFrac |           0.223 |
|          StopIter |              64 |
|              Time |            1.97 |


|             Epoch |              49 |
|      AverageEpRet |             198 |
|          StdEpRet |            3.87 |
|          MaxEpRet |             200 |
|          MinEpRet |             187 |
|             EpLen |             198 |
|      AverageVVals |            55.9 |
|          StdVVals |            16.8 |
|          MaxVVals |            72.5 |
|          MinVVals |           -15.1 |
| TotalEnvInteracts |           2e+05 |
|            LossPi |        1.26e-08 |
|             LossV |             318 |
|       DeltaLossPi |        -0.00653 |
|        DeltaLossV |           -38.7 |
|           Entropy |            0.53 |
|                KL |         0.00412 |
|          ClipFrac |          0.0342 |
|          StopIter |              79 |
|              Time |            84.1 |

You can see the average episode return starts off at 22.7, but climbs to 198 by the end of training.

You can then easily test the policy like so:

python -m spinup.run test_policy /Users/Kasim/Projects/ml/spinningup/data/cartpole-ppo/cartpole-ppo_s0
Episode 0 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200
Episode 1 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200
Episode 2 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200
Episode 3 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200
Episode 4 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200
Episode 5 	 EpRet 200.000 	 EpLen 200

You should see something like the following: