Hi, I’m Kasim. Welcome to my site.
- Clearing up harddrive space with docker prune
- Using z
- Why can I no longer find iOS Simulator in Safari's Web Inspector? Answer: Safari Technology Preview
- Personalizing XCode Keyboard Shortcuts
- Installing nvm (node version manager) on MacOS
- What percentage of samples from a dataset fall into a range of another dataset (using Python, numpy, scipy)?
- Stripe does not do CVC or expiration checks when adding a new credit card as a payment method
- 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》 王昌龄
- 《独坐敬亭山》 李白
- 《剑客》 贾岛
- 《问刘十九》 白居易
- 《于易水送人》 骆宾王
- 《竹里馆》 王维
- 《夜宿山寺》 李白
- 《鸟鸣涧》 王维
- 《从军行》 王昌龄
- 《滁州西涧》 韦应物
- 《题都城南庄》 崔护
- 《咏柳》 贺知章
- 《遗爱寺》 白居易
- 《离思》 元稹
- 《杂诗》 王维
- 《登幽州台歌》陈子昂
- 《乌衣巷》 刘禹锡
- 《登科后》 孟郊
- 《题菊花》 黄巢
- 《大林寺桃花》 白居易
- 《望天门山》 李白
- 《山中问答》 李白
- 《绝句》 杜甫
- 《望庐山瀑布》 李白
- 《江南逢李龟年》 杜甫
- 《清明》 杜牧
- 《嫦娥》 李商隐
- 《赠花卿》 杜甫
- 《山行》 杜牧
- 《出塞》 王昌龄
- 《夜雨寄北》 李商隐
- Learning Happens in Layers
- 《江南春》 杜牧
- 《泊秦淮》 杜牧
- 《枫桥夜泊》 张继
- 《早发白帝城》 李白
- 《送孟浩然之广陵》 李白
- 《凉州词》王翰
- 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》王维
- 《登乐游原》 李商隐
- 《寻隐者不遇》 贾岛
- 《江雪》 柳宗元
- 《登鹳雀楼》 王之涣
- 《鹿柴》 王维
- 《咏鹅》 骆宾王
- Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch, Lesson 2 Notes
- 《悯农》 李绅
- 《相思》 王维
- 《回乡偶书》 贺知章
- 《春晓》 孟浩然
- 《静夜思》 李白
- 《金缕衣》 杜秋娘
- Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch, Lesson 1 Intro Concept Notes
- What is the Chinese equivalent of carpe diem?
- Is "visual rendering" the future of QoE optimization?
- Setting up a postgresql daemon on Mac OSX
- Emacs on Mac OSX Catalina
- Settting up a firewall for Visdom on Google Cloud
- Running a program as a background process from the command line
- Playing with external APIs, like Stripe, from your Rails instance
- How do I change default indenting for CSS mode in Emacs?
- [Paper Review] Reinforcement learning for bandwidth estimation and congestion control in real-time communications
- Adding Brave Rewards to Jekyll on GitHub Pages
- Recap: A more formal understanding of functions
- Adding Jupyter Notebooks as Jekyll Blog Posts
- What are the differences among Autoregression, Moving-average regression, ARMA, and ARIMA for time series forecasting?
- Why can’t weight preferences be part of the state in multi objective reinforcement learning?
- What does roll do in numpy and pytorch?
- How do I use numpy's stack, vstack, and hstack?
- Playing with Python Multiprocessing: Pool, Process, Queue, and Pipe
- Setting up MathJax and LaTeX on Jekyll
- Is there a time difference between numpy.zeros and numpy.empty?
- How does temperature affect softmax in machine learning?
- How do I count numpy nans?
- How important is scaling for SGDRegressor in SciKit Learn?
- Linear Regression on Time Series with SciKit Learn and Pandas
- Create Sample Time Series Data in Python (DateTime)
- Anki and Siri on Mac OSX for Flashcard Drilling
- Drilling the third tone in Mandarin
- Padding Tensors with PyTorch cat
- PyTorch Data Manipulation Practice
- [PAPER REVIEW] QTran: Learning to Factorize with Transformation
- Review: So Good They Can't Ignore You
- Install stylelint for Emacs
- Testing Rails Routes in the Console
- Pushing to GitHub from the Command Line with Two-Factor Authentication Enabled
- Bandwidth versus Throughput as a Pizza Shop
- Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together
- Examining the Loss Calculation from a Deep Q Network
- Setting Up an Experiment in OpenAI's Spinning Up
- Pro Tip for Searching in Emacs
- Issues with GCC when Installing mujoco-py
- The Log Derivative Trick For Dummies
- The Pizza Shop's Latency/Throughput Tradeoff
- Rolling with Silver Searcher in Emacs
- Spinning Up with MacPorts
- Installing an older version of OpenSSL via MacPorts
- Installing OpenMPI with MacPorts
- New York City Helicopter Lesson Plan
- Helicopter DME Arc Lesson Plan